Our Part in Transitioning to the Low Carbon Revolution
To all intents and purposes, the Sun is an unlimited source for all our energy requirements. In less than 2 hours, the energy from it that arrives at planet Earth is sufficient to satisfy the needs of all of humanity for an entire year. But it’s largely untapped by mankind ….
At the middle of a sunny summer’s day, the Sun delivers over 1000 Watts per square metre to the surface around you. That’s about equivalent to the energy from a 1-bar electric heater every square meter, or about 10,000 of these heaters on a football pitch.
Of course, we don’t get that much power from the Sun all the time. Some is lost by absorption in clouds and pollution, and by lower sun elevation angles at other times of the day. At night local access reduces to zero because it’s all arriving on the other side of the planet. As a result, the average rate at any site in the world is around 340 Watts per square metre at the top of the atmosphere, or 161 Watts per square meter at Earth’s surface. But we haven’t been using all that free clean energy as well as we should have. Instead, we’ve taken the path of using fossil fuels, and the consequences are dire.
Before the industrial revolution, our planet was in radiative balance, with the amount of incoming solar energy being balanced by the amount of outgoing infra-red energy. But because we’ve been burning fossil fuels so rapidly, the carbon dioxide that had been locked up in coal, oil, and gas for hundreds of millions of years, has rapidly been released to the atmosphere.[1] Its concentration in the atmosphere has increased by nearly 50%, from its preindustrial level. The problem is thatcarbon dioxide, and other so-called “greenhouse” gases such as methane, nitrous oxide and synthetic gases used as refrigerants, affect the Earth’s radiative balance. They have absorption bands in the infra-red region at the same wavelengths where radiation is emitted from the Earth back to space (wavelengths near 10 microns), while having little effect on the incoming solar energy, which is at shorter wavelengths, mainly in the visible region (wavelengths near 0.5 microns).
As a result, the radiative balance of the planet is currently out of equilibrium. Instead of 340 Watts per square metre being radiated back to space to balance the incoming solar radiation, the amount radiated back is smaller by 0.6 Watts per square metre. Although that imbalanceappears small, it still represents a lot of energy because there are a lot of square metres on the planet. Staggeringly, it is equivalent to the energy released from the detonation of about 300 Hiroshima atomic bombs per minute; and continuing at that rate throughout the day for every day of the year.
The difference between incoming and outgoing energy is absorbed by the atmosphere, land and oceans. So it leads to increasing temperatures, ice-melt, sea-level rise, and changes in weather patterns. In other words, that energy imbalance is the cause of climate change.
We need to reduce our emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and so reduce the energy imbalance. The need for change is urgent, so incentives will be needed to encourage the transition from fossil fuels to renewables and from high-emission to low-emission industrial production, food production and land uses. Internationally, these should include ambitious emission pricing, whether in the form of emissions trading (as we have in New Zealand) or carbon taxes. To be effective globally, these will require inter-governmental agreement. Raising the relative cost of emissions-intensive activities will encourage the transition. Alongside emission pricing, governments can use policies and regulations, information programmes and support for the development and uptake of new technologies. Other governmental incentives, like tax incentives against gas guzzlers, can hopefully help to fund tax incentives to speed the transition to electric cars. Hopefully, New Zealand’s proposed Zero Carbon Bill will be exactly what’s needed to drive New Zealand’s low-emission transition, and set an example for other countries to follow.
If we are to keep temperature increases below even the 2-degree threshold target set in December 2015 by “COP21” in Paris, each person on the planet will need to reduce their carbon footprint on average by about 4 percent per year. And it’s getting harder with every advancing year, especially given that we should really be aiming more for their more ambitious target of 1.5 degrees. On an average per capita basis, the emissions of citizens of New Zealand (and other wealthy counties like Australia, and USA) are more than twice those of the average global citizen, so it is especially important for us to act. If you can continue reduce your own carbon footprint, you will be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
Here’s how you can help.
Reduce your intake of red meat and dairy products. A study by Motu Economic and Public Policy Research found that for the average New Zealand household in 2012, about 40% of its carbon footprint was from food, including both energy and biological emissions.[2] Reducing your intake of meat and dairy products can make a big difference to your carbon footprint – and produce other environmental benefits (e.g., by reducing our usage and pollution of water).
Reduce your travel and transport. The same study found that about 25% of the average household’s carbon footprint is from transport, so fly less and try walking, cycling and public transport instead of driving. Buy locally to minimize transport costs.
Improve household insulation and replace inefficient heaters with heat pumps. About 25% of the average household’s carbon footprint is from household energy use, which is largely heating, air conditioning.
As well as benefitting the environment for current and future generations, these measures can improve your personal health, and in many cases will save you money. A triple bottom line if I ever saw one ….
Any carbon calculator will show that the more you earn, the greater your carbon footprint will be. So, if you can afford it, you should try to do a lot more …
Consider the following options.
Transition to renewable electricity by harnessing your own solar energy; or buying your electricity from companies that use only renewable energy. A medium sized house of 200 m2 intercepts around 1000 kW hours of solar energy each day. Installing 35 square metres of solar panels with a collection efficiency of 20% produces savings of $200/month. It’s a reasonable assumption that electricity prices will continue to increase over time. But solar energy is free. All you pay is the capital cost of the equipment to harvest it. My own calculations show today’s rates it will take about 10 years to recover the capital costs of my 2.5 kW solar PV installation, provided I can use 70% of the energy it generates; and good quality systems will last much longer than that. It’s hard to find a better safe investment return than that. Don’t believe the advisors who call such changes “disruptive”. Yes, they are disruptive from the point of view of their masters. Our own government’s investments in power production and distribution will be challenged. But moving to renewables is not disruptive from your viewpoint, nor for the environment.
Switch to an electric car. At the start of the 20th century, petrol-powered cars took ascendancy over battery-powered cars, which were being developed around the same time in USA. Electric cars lost out then because of the difficulties of storing energy, and because of the recently discovered huge reserves of oil. The resultant proliferation of diesel and petrol-powered vehicles since then is a major cause of our troubles. But the problems of energy storage have now been overcome. It’s time to switch back. A new car is a long-term investment. If you need a new one, get ahead of the game and consider buying an electric one, rather than a conventional one. Like coal-fired power stations, emissions-intensive farming practices, and transport companies that rely on fossil fuels; conventional cars will become stranded assets in a future world with a high and rising price of carbon. With your electric car, you can also make much better use of your rooftop solar PV system. Excess energy from it can be used to charge your electric car, rather than selling it back to the power companies. With an electric car parked in your garage, it will be easy to make use of more than 70% of the energy you generate. It also works in reverse, feeding energy from your car’s batteries back to the house at night if required
There will be problems in the new technologies, as there have been with older technologies. There must be full accounting of the costs of their production and disposal. These costs are significant in these newer technologies; but are much lower than with the old technologies.[3] But you will hear conflicting messages because there will be winners and losers in energy revolution that we’re entering. Listen to the arguments, but don’t be dissuaded by people with vested interests in the status quo without checking their claims using reputable sources (not just the first relevant hit you see with an on-line search).
[1] Carbon dioxide is also released by deforestation and production of cement and steel.
[2] See https://motu.nz/our-work/environment-and-resources/emission-mitigation/shaping-new-zealands-low-emissions-future/whos-going-green-decomposing-the-change-in-household-consumption-emissions-2006-2012/
[3] https://blog.ucsusa.org/dave-reichmuth/new-data-show-electric-vehicles-continue-to-get-cleaner