Anyone intelligent enough can use and abuse correlations to make statistics say what they want them to say. The only double-blind 3-month experimental trial of Pfizer vaccines found around 60% more fatalities among volunteers who received Pfizer vaccines versus those who received the placebo. It would have been more if they counted those who died within 7 days of receiving the vaccine. But they did not count those. You will not find this in mainstream media. But lawyers working on behalf of skeptics (so-called conspiracy theorists) applied the Freedom of Information Act to demand Pfizer’s report on the 3-month trial and found the surprising fatality figures when they also demanded an appendix which the main body of the report referenced in small print.

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Aug 16, 2022
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Thanks mf. Yes, I've just scratched the surface here. 'Severity', of course, might be a bit harder to define than 'death'. The topic really needs some serious statisticians on the job. It's a bit outside my area of true expertise! On that subject though; trying to educate anti-vaxxers is similar to trying to educate climate-deniers. They're both determined to stay buried in their rabbit holes.

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