It’s actually very complex, everything shorter than 450nm got all types of scattering and polarization processes going on and increasing pollution especially in northern hemisphere just making past satellite calibration sites IMO useless. So it getting increasingly blind what’s going on in the atmosphere. I was just sent some very strange short wave results of railroad valley in Nevada calibration last year from a suite of U2 airborne instruments.
We did practice extreme UV protection while hiking in Patagonia few months ago as likely volcanic CFC interaction in PSC resulted one of the worst ozone holes on record.
Richards, please explain how to send private messages to you.
For jolly suggest reading posts at NOAA AAOE. Just Google terms.
Actually the black swan paper generated considerable issues / division in the community which still exist unfortunately. I can go over only in person when we around later your area later in year or direct email.
It’s actually very complex, everything shorter than 450nm got all types of scattering and polarization processes going on and increasing pollution especially in northern hemisphere just making past satellite calibration sites IMO useless. So it getting increasingly blind what’s going on in the atmosphere. I was just sent some very strange short wave results of railroad valley in Nevada calibration last year from a suite of U2 airborne instruments.
We did practice extreme UV protection while hiking in Patagonia few months ago as likely volcanic CFC interaction in PSC resulted one of the worst ozone holes on record.
Richards, please explain how to send private messages to you.
For jolly suggest reading posts at NOAA AAOE. Just Google terms.
Actually the black swan paper generated considerable issues / division in the community which still exist unfortunately. I can go over only in person when we around later your area later in year or direct email.