A couple of weeks back I estimated the number of lives saved in New Zealand per year by the Montreal Protocol. Without it, the number of annual deaths would have doubled from around year 2060, with a continued rapid increases thereafter. Following that, my colleague Arjan van Dijk from the Netherlands passed on the bombshell plot below, which shows that since the 1990s, the incidence rates of skin cancer in the Netherlands have skyrocketed, and are now already about a
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Unexplained increases in skin cancer
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A couple of weeks back I estimated the number of lives saved in New Zealand per year by the Montreal Protocol. Without it, the number of annual deaths would have doubled from around year 2060, with a continued rapid increases thereafter. Following that, my colleague Arjan van Dijk from the Netherlands passed on the bombshell plot below, which shows that since the 1990s, the incidence rates of skin cancer in the Netherlands have skyrocketed, and are now already about a