Richard, do you know of any experimental research which determined how much and how little sunshine exposure time per day people require to maintain acceptable levels of plasma Vitamin ? Research has established that minimum sunshine exposure time depends on skin colour, and UV radiation intensity. But I have not found any experimental research which takes these factors into account and recommends safe and effective sunshine exposure times. People need to know either how many minutes exposure per day, or per week, and obviously, not all on one day of the week.
Hopefully my next post will go some way towards answering that question. It's complicated because skin colour may have different effect on the UV's ability to create vitamin D compared with it effect on ski protection. Skin thickness is also relevant.
Richard, do you know of any experimental research which determined how much and how little sunshine exposure time per day people require to maintain acceptable levels of plasma Vitamin ? Research has established that minimum sunshine exposure time depends on skin colour, and UV radiation intensity. But I have not found any experimental research which takes these factors into account and recommends safe and effective sunshine exposure times. People need to know either how many minutes exposure per day, or per week, and obviously, not all on one day of the week.
Hopefully my next post will go some way towards answering that question. It's complicated because skin colour may have different effect on the UV's ability to create vitamin D compared with it effect on ski protection. Skin thickness is also relevant.